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Observing the Pairs of Opposites *Virtual SUMMER Retreat* | with Chanti & Anamargaret


Throughout history, mythology, and found within sacred practices in many cultures and customs, seclusion or self-isolation is a tool for deep self-reflection. That said, it is helpful to have a map of what to observe within oneself. In this virtual summer retreat, we will discuss and observe the Yamas as a map for self- reflection. 

Yama is often translated as “a list of restraints” or “what not to do” while we will look at this aspect, we will also discuss its opposite as a way to discover the elements of our self we can limit, as well as those we share. Both sides provide rich earth for contemplation to continue mapping who we are, and how we show up within our communities. 

We start our weekend with a fire ceremony to light the flame of contemplation. Saturday and Sunday will be dedicated to observing the yamas individually and each day we will connect with community in breakout rooms, as well as integrate the feelings and teachings with a creative ritual.

Anamargaret and Chanti are dedicated to making this event a true expression of what it means to question and then to listen deeply and find one’s truth in the liminal, in-between. 

This *Virtual* Summer retreat is for you if: 

  • you desire to gain a new perspective about life, yourself as it relates to the pandemics

  • want to gather with other curious people/seekers

  • want to re-connect with yourself

  • seek to listen to your intuition

  • are open to possibly face uncomfortable/shadow parts of yourself AND be able to see those parts with fresh, non-judgmental eyes.

  • long for the opportunity to share ideas about life

  • want to deconstruct ideas/beliefs we might have held but are no longer valid.

  • affirm that which we hold sacred

  • discover a different limb of yoga & a unique limb in ourselves

Dates: July 10-12
Friday July 10: Opening Fire Ceremony 6-7pm (central)
Sat + Sun July 11 & 12: 2:00pm-5:00pm (central)

The weekend virtual retreat will be recorded for those who are not available to attend or can only be live a portion of the time. 

Regular virtual retreat tuition.
$54 Student rate for those who are in school, studying and can afford a reduced price.
$ Pay what you can, set your own price, or pay it forward option.
