Yantra Wisdom Divination Deck

Yantra Wisdom Divination Deck

The Yantra Wisdom Divination Deck offers you a quick way to shift your perspective and engage with your creative-intuition. This exploration can support you in forming a sacred ritual to remember your unique essence. When you listen deeply, a profound change is initiated with the fundamental question “Who am I?”

What comes in the BOX?

  • The Yantra Wisdom divination deck of 40 cards

  • A booklet with information on each yantra as well as as the affirmations and suggestions on "how to shift" , mantra and use the deck.

  • A box that doubles as a traveling altar.

  • QR for Digital guidebook (95 pages)

Virtual Divination~ Best done on a smart phone
My favorite way to engage with images of any kind, is to be with them.
Here’s one way: 

🔮Connect with yourself, pose a question, or be open to listening, like you would with any oracle.
🔮Take a screen shot, when ready (as though choosing a card) You can use Shift + Command + 3 on a Mac
🔮Be curious. Connect with the image; allow it to speak with you. Tune In to what you see, feel, sense and intuit. 
🔮Honor your intuition and the image by reflecting in the only way you know how…journal, doodle, draw, dance.
🔮Scroll down for the card’s affirmation.

ĀGYĀ आज्ञा 
6th Chakra: Third Eye / Command Center
I feel blessed 

 Anāhata  अनाहत  
4th Chakra: Unstruck Sound of the Heart & Dwelling of the Inner Teacher
I reside in my own home: my heart

 Bagalamukhī  बगलामुखी
Yoginī of Stillness
I reflect in stillness before taking purposeful action  

Bhairavī  भैरवी 
Goddess of divine wrath who burns all limitation and ignorance
I stand in my authentic nature

Bhuvaneswarī भुवनेश्वरी 
Goddess of Sacred Space 
I accept support by all that is seen and unseen

Birth Labyrinth 
New beginnings 

Bṛihaspati   बृहस्पति
Jupiter, Planet of Great Mastery
I explore my expansive Self

Budha  बुध
Mercury, Planet of Intellect and Discernment
I see truth from illusion

Chandra   चन्द्र
Moon, Planet of Feminine Force Governing the Mind 
I open to receptivity  

Chinnamastā छिन्नमस्ता
 Yogini of Liberation
I choose freedom

 Dhūmāvatī धूमावती
Smokey Goddess of Primal Sleep; She who Reveals the Hidden and Profound
I discover bravery 

Durgā दुर्गा
Goddess of Invincible Courage
I welcome love

Gaṇeśha गणेश
Lord of the threshold
I observe all perspectives

Gāyatrī गायत्री 
Goddess Illuminating Intellect
I embody pure light

Hanumān हनुमान् 
Seeker of Unsurpassed Reverence
I bow my head in devotion and reverence, always in awe 

Kālī काली
Dark Goddess of Time
I grow and evolve—always 

Kālikā  कालिका 
An avatar of Kali—She who removes the darkness.
I vow to stay awake

Kamalā  कमला 
Goddess of Unfolding Delight 
I savor the beauty I see in all things

Ketu केतु
South node of the Moon, Demi-Planet of Concentration & Perception 
I focus

 Kṛiṣṇa कृष्ण
The Enchanting Trickster 
I tap into my playful Self

Lakṣmī लक्ष्मी
Goddess of Abundance
I exhibit gratitude

Mahāmṛityuñjaya  महामृत्युंजय 
Victory over Great Death
I embrace fearlessness 

Maṅgala  मङ्गल
Mars, Planet of Fiery Confidence 
I express my courage

Maṇipūra  मणिपूर
3rd Chakra: Gem of Transformative Light 
I transform

 Mātaṅgi  मातङ्गी 
Goddess of Knowledge
Living an authentic individuated life
I speak my truth

Mūlādhāra मूलाधार
1st Chakra: The Root-Support
I Maintain Stability truth

Rāhu राहु 
North node of Moon, Demi-Planet who Stands in the Face of Opposition 
I confidently succeed

 Sahasrāra  सहस्रार
7th Chakra: The Thousand Petaled Crown Lotus
I embody pure consciousness

Sarasvatī  सरस्वती
Goddess of Creative Fluidity
I appreciate my unique beauty 

Śhani  शनि
Saturn, Planet of Complete Detachment 
I transcend

Śhiva  शिव 
Auspicious One
I realize my strength and know my power

Śhukra   शुक्र 
Venus, Planet of Brilliant Light & Muse of Creative Expression
I inspire

Soma  सोम 
Brain Center Chakra: Nectar of Immortality
I accept nourishment

 Śhrī  श्री
Resplendent Creative Cosmology 
I receive the full blossoming of love and devotion

Sūrya सूर्य 
Sun, Planet-Star of Divine Truth 
I own my power 

Svādhiṣṭhāna  स्वाधिष्ठान
2nd Chakra: The Creative Well
I embrace my sensuality

Swapneshwarī स्वप्नेश्वरी 
Goddess of the Dream
I trust my intuition

Tārā तारा 
Guiding Star
I aim my creative force 

Tripurasundarī  त्रिपुरसुन्दरी 
Goddess of Luminosity
I shine my luminous presence

 Viśhuddhi विषुधि 
5th Chakra: Purity 
I perceive clearly

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