Sri Yantra Mandla


Sri Yantra Mandla


Sri Yantra

Watercolor and Gouache on watercolor paper
14 x 10 inches

Sri Yantra is a representation of the body of goddess Tripura Sundari as well as the navel of the Divine mother or the configuration of the development and evolution of the cosmos. The five downward pointing triangles signify the five tan mantras of sound, touch, sight, taste and smell as well as the five mahabhutas or elements. The four upward pointing triangles representing shiva consciousness and action; signifying the four parts of the mind: chitta (memory), buddhi (wisdom), ahamkara (ego) and manas (lower mind). These overlapping triangles create the cosmos and the bindu in the center is the great divine herself.

Sri Yantra organizes dissolution of the world and the mind. It is an alchemical symbol of the creative cosmology, or cosmology created. 

This particular Sri yantra is painted with the colors of Jupiter (yellows), infusing it with the planets qualities of confidence, expansion, benevolence, wisdom, and trust.

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